Raya Nagar Panchayat, with population of about 21 thousand is Mahavan sub district's the most populous nagar panchayat located in Mahavan sub district of Mathura district in the state Uttar Pradesh in India. Total geographical area of Raya nagar panchayat is 7 km2 and it is the biggest city by area in the sub district. Population density of the city is 3049 persons per km2. There are 14 wards in the city, among them Raya Ward No 02 is the most populous ward with population of 2625 and Raya Ward No 11 is the least populous ward with population of 736. Nearest railway station is Raya which is within the city. Mahaban is the sub district head quarter and the distance from the city is 20 km. District head quarter of the city is Mathura which is 13 km away. Lucknow is the state head quarter of the city and is 442 km far from here. Yearly average rainfall of the city is 841 mm. Maximum temperature here reaches up to 42°C and minimum temperature goes down to 5°C.


The city is home to about 21 thousand people, among them about 11 thousand (52%) are male and about 10 thousand (48%) are female. 92% of the whole population are from general caste, 8% are from schedule caste. Child (aged under 6 years) population of Raya nagar panchayat is 14%, among them 53% are boys and 47% are girls. There are 3325 households in the city and an average 6 persons live in every family.

Religion Wise Distribution Of Population

Hindus contribute 69% of the total population and are the largest religious community in the city followed by Muslims which contribute 30% of the total population.. Female Sex ratio per 1000 male in Hindus are 892 in Muslims are 931.

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